Thursday, March 25, 2010

Title Tag Best Practices

Highly relevant to the page

Probably 5-12 words, but ideally under the 70 characters limit, so the full title appears in Google SERPS (search engine results pages) but it depends on the page content - character counter.

A call to action which reflects exactly a searcher’s intent (ie to learn something, or buy something, or hire something. Remember this is your hook in search engines!

The perfect title tag is unique in relation to other pages on the site.

I like to ensure my keywords feature as early as possible in a title tag
For me, the company name goes at the end of the tag, and I use a variety of dividers as no one way performs best

I like to think I write titles for search engines and human
Know that Google tweaks everything regularly - why not what the perfect title keys off?
Don’t obsess! Natural is better, and will only ‘get better’ as engines evolve
I think the more unique a title is relative to the site, the better in the long run.

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